The year was 1999. The prequel trilogy of Star Wars began this year with Episode I: The Phantom Menace. The posters showed off faces of Qui Gon Jinn, young Obi Wan Kenobi, a new sith villain of Darth Maul, and a royal figure in a gold headpiece, red robes, red hints of makeup & a lightly painted face. That royal figure became known as Queen Amidala, formerly known as Padme Naberrie. Padme became queen of Naboo at the age of 14 & already dealt with so much in trying to protect her people. After her reign of queen ended, she became a senator for Naboo to still be in the action. She was not only a brilliant leader but she was an elite fighter. Not only using her voice and mind as her ammo, but actual ammo as well in a blaster. She fell in love with a Jedi named Anakin Skywalker and later became the mother of twins, twins that would be Luke & Leia.
Padme was the first character that caught my eye and brought my attention to Star Wars. I remember being 5 years old when the movie came out and I was with family grabbing some Pizza Hut and the most prominent image that was in my head with the promotions for the movie was Queen Amidala. That stepped my feet into the Star Wars universe before really jumping on into it. I truly admire Padme and what she stood for. Someone at a young age having so many responsibilities would be a burden for so many, but Padme was one that managed to do it. And did it with such class. She cared about the people around her, whether her people on Naboo, her friends the Jedi, her friends the Senators. She cared deeply about Anakin to the point she went with him back to Tatooine. I adored her kind heart and her power and her ability to have people listen, even if it doesn't get much done in the end. She is one powerful leader that no one should be messing with. The duo acts of Natalie Portman, who portrayed Padme in the prequel trilogy movies, & Catherine Taber, who voices her in The Clone Wars, make Padme one character we can stand by. The two of them bring great performances to their respective pieces of media & they do help bring Padme to life.
It was most appropriate that the second day of Galactic Gals was Padme. After Leia came into ours lives in the original trilogy, there had to be another powerful woman to help lead the prequel trilogy. Padme became that lead. Padme also has become well known for her outfits. Whether it's the outfits she wore while she was queen, the gowns she wore as a Senator, or while she was showing off the baby bump, Padme's closet was always to die for. You can ask anyone their favorite Padme outfit and the list can go on forever. I have a few favorite outfits myself, but the one I felt like was the mosr elegant to Padme was the lake dress featured in Attack of the Clones. The gradient is a nice pastel featuring the colors of yellow, pink and purple. The way they blend into each other is so beautiful. And the way Padme pairs it with hair accessories makes it more elegant. Any outfit that Padme wears is one that is truly for the books.