After 6 movies, people believed that Star Wars was done. Not in 2008, where an animated show has risen to enter the Star Wars universe. It was called Star Wars: The Clone Wars, taking place in between Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. This new project brought back the characters of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Padme Amidala from the prequel trilogies along with other familiar faces. But this show also brought on new characters, including one that would be embedded in the hearts of many. She was the padawan of Anakin Skywalker. A Togruta who trained to become a Jedi. Her name was Ahsoka Tano.
Ahsoka Tano was a character that truly was an embodiment of girl power. Just like Padme and Leia, she was able to look after herself and show how a woman in the galaxy can do things. She became one of the few characters to wield not just one lightsaber, but two and she knew how to wield two sabers. Ahsoka ended up being just the right padawan for Anakin. The two of them gave each other the nicknames of Sky Guy and Snips, making their master/apprentice relationship a fun one. Ahsoka did what she believed she had to do. She was one to help people when they needed it most, no matter what. We watched her grow throughout The Clone Wars and even was delighted to have her return to Star Wars Rebels, taking place prior to A New Hope. She has also made the jump to live action being in Chapter 13 of The Mandalorian and will be soon having her own show coming to Disney+ soon. Fans did get a bit worried since the airing of the Rebels episode "Twilight of the Apprentice", where Ahsoka's fate was left to be ambiguous. It spawned a whole debate featuring two words: Ahsoka Lives. It was first said with a question mark at the end, leaving it as though she may be dead. The movement began that ended with the phrase being changed; now being Ahsoka Lives with an exclamation point, proving that Ahsoka did indeed survive her encounter with her old master.
Ahsoka was brought to life by many people; Dave Filoni helped create the character that would become a staple icon in the Star Wars universe, Ashley Eckstein gave Ahsoka her voice and her persona, literally being Ahsoka in person, and Rosario Dawson who portrays Ahsoka in live action. The creative efforts of everyone helped do their best to bring Ahsoka to life and to make her how she is today. It's going to be so fun to see where the store of Ahsoka goes now, especially since it'll be right after the Rebels finale, where she assists in finding Ezra Bridger.
Ahsoka has a distinct pattern on her face that does progress as she grows older. They eventually become like the symbol for Fulcrum which helps the Rebellion against the Empire. Her montrals and lekku have a lovely blue and white striped pattern that stands out among her orange skin. Ahsoka is a character that we all have inside us. The statement stays true that Ahsoka is in us all, cause she truly is. We all have the power of Ahsoka inside us all, making her a staple character in the Star Wars universe.