It's the year 2015. It's been 10 years since the Revenge of the Sith was released, the last Star Wars movie shown in theaters. Now a new movie is released.with the name Episode VII: The Force Awakens. This was the beginning of the sequel trilogy in Star Wars & a new cast of characters were joining a galaxy far, far away. The Original Trilogy introduced the female lead of Leia Organa. The Prequel Trilogy introduced the female lead of Padme Amidala. Now the Sequel Trilogy introduced a brand new female lead to help our new cast in the next 3 movies. That lead was Rey, a scavenger from the desert planet of Jakku, who survived off of portions from her findings. Rey was out on her own, until she ran into two new friends, a droid named BB-8 and a ex stormtrooper named Finn. 

    Since we first met Rey in 2015, we were unsure about who she was and where did she belong. She was a scavenger and lived like that for years. She heard the stories of events that happened in the past, especially about Luke Skywalker and Han Solo. Heck, she even met Han Solo and Chewbacca aboard the Millenium Falcon itself. Little did she know that she would be fighting along side with them and even meeting Leia Organa, who was General Leia Organa at the time. The one thing she didn't expect to be a part of was the Jedi. She heard the stories about the Jedi. But never would have thought of her herself being one with the force. Until Anakin Skywalker's lightsaber called to her in Takodana. 

    With the lightsaber calling to her, she had to embrace it, somewhat. She was able to call the saber and use it to help fight Kylo Ren and bring him down. She ended up finding Luke on Ahch-To to not live the Jedi life, but she received training from him and eventually Leia as well. Rey went from becoming a scavenger on Jakku, to a Jedi & half of a force dyad. She was one to help bring down the First Order once and for all. Rey is my favorite female character from Star Wars because she was driven and she knew what had to get done. She went from someone who was looking in broken Star Destroyers and At-AT Walkers for pieces to get her food, to being trained as a Jedi and having her own unique saber. The fact that part of her staff from Jakku made it into the building of her saber shows that Rey isn't afraid of what she was. She was a scavenger. Now she is a Jedi. 

    It was most appropriate to have the third day of Galactic Gals be dedicated to Rey. She is the third leading lady of the movie trilogies, following two iconic ladies. Now her herself has become one. Daisy Ridley brought more life to Rey and gave her her resilience and her power. Rey is added to the list of Star Wars characters that inspire young people. Whether it's children, teenagers or adults, I feel like everyone can find a little bit of Rey in their hearts. 

