Anakin & C-3PO. Luke & R2-D2. Poe & BB-8. Cassian & K-2SO. Lando & L3-37. Hera & Chopper. Someone in the Star Wars universe always has a droid companion by their side. In the new Star Wars video game Jedi: Fallen Order, our main character is no different. Cal Kestis ends up finding a little droid named BD-1 and together, the two become the best of friends. I know personally I want a droid companion in my life and I would pick BD-1 to be mine. He has become my favorite droid in the Star Wars universe & I wanted to share my love for him in this simple outfit. The shirt showcases the main color schemes of BD-1 with his head being the main feature of him. He is a very unique droid so we have to make this outfit a little unique. BD-1 helps Cal, who uses the light side of the force, so we paired this shirt with the jacket representing the dark side of the force, one Kylo Ren. The jacket is from Her Universe. This outfit is one that I love to wear since it does represent my favorite droid!
Jacket - Her Universe