In November of 2019, we were graced with some Star Wars presence with The Mandalorian premiering on Disney+. Besides The Mandalorian, Star Wars in the video game industry was expanding with a brand new single player game called Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. The game follows the events of a young padawan turned knight, after the events of Order 66. This young Jedi is Cal Kestis. Portrayed by Cameron Monaghan in the motion capture department and the voice, Jedi: Fallen Order brings a great essence of canon story in the Star Wars universe. I don't want to give too much away to those that want to play the game themselves but let me tell you all, it is truly a beautiful and amazing game. And Cal has become one of my top 3 favorite Star Wars characters. In this outfit, I help bring the essence of hope to Cal with this T-Shirt from Hot Topic. You can also find this shirt at BoxLunch as well. I'll leave the links to both sites so you can choose where to buy it. The blue brings the Jedi in Cal to life.

Hot Topic-

